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Original Creation

Evening lake with crane

Voy Kay 21 Apr 2020

Today is Tuesday so this means, no Bob Ross recreations for the rest of the week since the missus needs the office (with my computer) then (working from home) and needs peace and solitude during office hours, what happen to be also my painting hours! So I move to the dinner table then, large enough (2,20m x 1,15m) for all the painting I desire to do.
Today, I wanted to create some sea sceneries and since I had several, I chose two with about similar colouring. So this was a real fun simultaneous exercise, one easel on the left, one on the right, and switching like in an amateur tennis game! I LOVED IT!!
Canvas used was a budget 9"x12", prepared with liquid white. Hard to do was the sky and the sea but mostly because of the various colouring needed. Hardest to do was the crane, the bird simply was too agitated and kept moving around! It needed to draw attention so I painted this animal larger then usual.
Hope you will enjoy this, please read some articles from our community and have fun!!

Featured Article How to paint animal silhouettes.


Just beautiful. The sky and water are a perfect reflection.

Stunning! The crane is beautiful:)

Wow! This is absolutely amazing. Color scheme is gorgeous! Size of the crane and position is just perfect. Rules of third.
I think this challenge you made for yourself this time allowed to free the hand and brain and just fly with this paintings.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Ljm, lovely words to read! The sky took indeed some work with all the different layers and not forgetting, I hopped to the other painty almost every time per color. I really had to keep focus there at all times, or that crane ended up in my sunrise palmtrees!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thnak you Paintrml! Normally I am not fond of painting birds but with this size bigger then usual … I was comfortable with it.
Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, precious painting friend, so happy you like my creations!
The bird was started smaller at first (below the horizon) and I hated it! So I decided to paint it bigger since no other items were in this painting to demand attention other then sky and water colors. Painting that bird larger was a real relieve, it was so much easier to paint. AND I gave it a friend!
Till next one!

As far as i know from my learning and observations when something has an edge stick to horizon line or to the mountain slope or whatever else, this makes painting less attractive. It looks nicer when borders are crossed by the objects. It is wonderful that you increased the crane in size and gave it a friend, without a friend it would be empty. Colors blending is great, but that would not be sufficient, i think, without the bigger bird and its friend.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

You have that right Sunnylady, it improved 500% after I painted it above the horizon. I'm taking that information by heart now and will always use it to the full.
The friend was painted a bit bigger as well but anyway …. cranes aren't small birds afterall! Smiling here now! Have a great day dear!

I love this one. I'm a sucker for a great sky and when it reflects in the water as well as you painted it -- BRAVO!! So good! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Froggie, my day in Europe just started and you already made it a success! Thank you SO MUCH for your cheers, please keep visiting!! :)

Good morning, and I hope your day continues to be a success! Thank you for sharing this beautiful painting.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Well, I have a painting scheduled for this afternoon, so hope that will be a success as well! I love sharing beautiful paintings, no worries, specially when I recieve such beautiful and integer comments! I LOVE THEM!
Till next one!!

I love this one! I think the crane came out perfectly

I think this is your best masterpiece. I love it very much.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

It is true Jin, that this one is quite something special. This was simultaneously painted with another painting where both had about the same colours.
The crane was smaller in the beginning and I did not like it. So making it twice the size really has put some focus on to it and also accentuated the bird's anxious look for his partner in the sky!

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